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If you are not using the debian or snap packages then you should extract the SaveWizard_raw.zip file somewhere appropriate, perhaps in your home, ensure the.sudo dpkg -i SaveWizard_.26709-1_all.deb.sudo apt-get install mono-complete libmono-microsoft-visualbasic10.0-cil.install libmono-microsoft-visualbasic10.0-cil on Ubuntu and other Debian based systems this is likely to be.First install an up to date version of mono-complete.You can also install the debian if you are using a debian based system such as Debian, Ubuntu or Mint.To avoid this limitation install the snap file included using sudo snap install -dangerous savewizard_.26709_amd64.snap -classic.Local files need to be stored in $HOME/snap/savewizard/current.You can now install the savewizard with some limitations from the snap store.